Is Your 5-11 Year Old Falling Behind In Class?

My Tutoring for You works with children aged 5-11 who are below age-related expectations and lack confidence to transform their learning experience so that they can become confident, motivated learners who are no longer experiencing overwhelm and frustration; giving you the peace of mind over their future education.

Want to know how your child can love learning again, believe in their own ability and confidently keep up with their peers in class?

Click below to book a free consultation.

Have you been...?

  • Worrying about what will happen if the gaps continue to get bigger?

  • Overwhelmed because you don't know how to help your child?

  • Anxious about the negative impact struggling in school is having on your child's self-esteem?

Does your child...?

  • experience feelings of inadequacy and like they're not good enough?

  • struggle to keep up in class and not complete tasks?

  • seem unable to learn their spellings or times tables?

  • rely on their fingers to answer maths questions or use basic vocabulary in their writing?

  • get more crosses than ticks or score considerably lower in tests than their peers?

  • switch off or become overwhelmed when you ask them to do their homework and appear to not know what to do?

  • get the same targets each parents evening?

You've tried everything, yet nothing has worked!

You've spoken to your child's class teacher and raised concerns, but you've been told to just keep practising. Easier said than done...

You've spent night after night 'just' practising those times tables or spellings like your child's teacher told you to do. However, you may as well have been banging your head against a brick wall because nothing has gone in!

You've been a stickler for making sure your child reads every night, but it's painful for you both. They're bored of the same, limited books, yet despite being super consistent, it's not getting any easier and they're not moving up a book level - which causes more frustration as their friends are 'free readers'!

You've been back to speak to your child's class teacher AGAIN because you're seeing your child getting lost in a class of 30, but it's ok because 'they aren't the worst!' - now you feel more alone than ever!

You've bought workbook after to workbook for your child to do, app after app, but it was pointless because your child isn't going anywhere near them and you can't face the battle anymore!

I'm here to help...

Whether you're looking for a reading, writing or maths tutor, our tutoring sessions do more than narrow the gaps in your child's learning.


  • give your child the light bulb moments

  • bring your child's smile back

  • conquer the fear of getting questions wrong

  • boost your child's confidence

  • enable your child to keep up in lessons

  • create a sense of achievement for your child

  • make success a reality

You will only work with me , Zara Flight, the owner of My Tutoring for You.

Unless we work on your child's confidence, their lack of confidence will continue to hold them back, even into adulthood. Trust me - I was your child at primary school and I have to still fight to control my negative self-talk and to believe in myself and my capabilities!

That's why I help transform your child's mindset and confidence AS WELL AS teaching them the skills and knowledge they need to narrow their educational gaps.

When they start to believe in themselves, they begin to enjoy learning, be willing to make mistakes and push themselves out of their comfort zone to learn. And this is when they will truly flourish in school!

How it Works

Book a free consultation and we will discuss how I can support your child! This means I'll be finding out more than just their academic struggles. I want to know their interests and hobbies, their personality etc.

We make a plan of action that will get the best results! Each session provides opportunities to informally assess your child's progress which informs my planning and preparation for the next session in order to provide specific provision for your child.

They will become more confident, enjoy learning again and will grasp difficult concepts in a practical way. You'll receive feedback from your child's teacher about their improved confidence and their can-do attitude.


Hazel King

Zara has completely transformed my son from a 10 year old child who lacked so much academic confidence to an 11 year old who has passed all his year 6 SATS and is ready to take on the new challenges of secondary school in September. She has worked hard to make him believe in himself. Zara has a magic touch with children where she is calm and patient, pushes them to do better and progress at each session, and does not allow negativity. The positive change in my son has been remarkable. School have noticed a massive improvement in confidence, effort and achievement, with an excellent report at end of year 6. We are continuing on into year 7 with tutoring and now my daughter going into year 4 is starting with Zara too. Already she is working well for Zara and enjoying the 1 to 1 teaching.

Alison Lumgair

Zara has been tutoring my son for 6 months. After the last few years of interrupted learning we thought our son would benefit from a bit of extra support with his English and build on his Maths which he was already fairly confident with. The 11+ was not our end goal, so we questioned whether we should start tutoring or not, but after the first session to hear him say ‘I really enjoyed that’ we knew it was the right thing to do. Zara engaged our son every week, he grew in confidence and was for once willing to do work at home!! At the end of the academic year there was a noticed improvement in his school report which I have to give Zara the credit for. I would definitely recommend her.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where do group sessions take place?

I currently run sessions from my house in Northumberland Heath. This means I can provide a local tutoring service for students living in Bexleyheath, Belvedere and Erith.

There is plenty of street parking, a park close by to walk or local supermarkets to do the weekly shop whilst your child is having their tutoring session.

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What if I don't want group tutoring for my child?

Parents can often feel group tutoring takes away from their child's learning. Afterall, you as parents are paying and investing in your child's future so you want to know your child is benefiting from it.

But I would like to take this moment to reassure you that when group tutoring is taught well, the benefits can far exceed 1-2-1 tutoring.

Let me explain...

When a child lacks confidence, so much so that it holds their academic progress back, they often start in a place where they are fearful of answering questions, they find it hard to articulate ideas and end up needing lots of support and reassurance.

But, when they are only supported by myself, they become reliant on me. That's fine in sessions, I can wean them off of me, and help them to become more independent. However, when they go into class, it's like they are back at square one again. This is because they are back to being in a class of 30, and don't have the skills and confidence to actively participate. They are still needing reassurance and they haven't got a teacher with the time to provide this 1-2-1 support like I can.

With group tutoring, learning happens so much better when you can collaborate, share ideas, talk through thinking. I help your children to learn the skills in a highly supportive, collaborative environment, so that they can become an active member of their class.

Finally, I just want you to think of a task you've been set - maybe a project at work, or a personal goal such as running a half-marathon. How many times have you come across something you find hard, and have needed somebody alongside you. A friend, a work colleague to bounce ideas off, or to organise something together. It's the same for learning. Your child can't learn as effectively by themselves. They need peers alongside them.

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How are your group sessions different to others?

Group sessions are run as half-termly blocks. Each week there is a main session. The sessions are fun, engaging and hands on wherever possible. Your child will have opportunities to learn and practise a skill. However, for the most effective progress to be made, your child needs opportunities to practise regularly. This is why I provide extra activities during the week for your child to complete. Please do not fear - I am not giving your child hours and hours of homework a night that will cause overwhelm, not a worksheet in sight. It will be tutorials, games, activities etc. Each activity will be short and sweet, but super helpful to your child's progress and confidence.

During sessions, it's important your child keeps their energy, especially when they have had a long day at school, so a snack and drink will be provided.

We will build a supportive environment by getting to know each other, helping and supporting each other. Imagine your child having the opportunity to feel on top of the world as they help another child rather than always being the one who needs help!

I am a big believer that hard work, perseverance and showing up matter. This is why I use rewards such as trophies, certificates and prizes.

Furthermore - in each half-termly period, your child will have an opportunity to jump online with me for 20 minutes or to come to my house for a drop in session. These will be 1-2-1 sessions and will provide feedback and personalised support in helping your child further progress. These usually take place half way through or at the end of each half-term to prepare/review for the next half-term. I will always provide a link for you to book a slot in advance on a first come, first serve basis.

In addition, I am on call to help your child. Whether they are stuck with homework, or need a little extra support, you can contact me and I will respond with a video response/voice note in a timely manner. Your child's extra work will also be acknowledged and feedback provided.

And if that wasn't enough, I provide your child with all the resources they need to practise at home. They get their very own set of pens, pencils, whiteboard and pens, highlighters. Depending on whether your child is having reading, writing or maths group tutoring sessions, will depend on what other things your child will find in their giftset.

I am a big believer that every child deserves to succeed, and that's why I do everything in my power to make it happen for your child!

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How much are group tutoring sessions?

Instead of charging per session, I charge weekly. Regardless of whether you are booking your child in for reading, writing or maths tutoring, all group tutoring is priced at £37 a week.

This is inclusive of the sessions itself, all extra activities provided, the resources and giftset and the extra 1-2-1 drop-in session offered.

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What about 1-2-1 tutoring sessions?

As a tutor, I understand each child is different and therefore group tutoring may not suit all children. Or your child may benefit from 1-2-1 tutoring at the beginning.

1-2-1 tutoring sessions are held at my house in Northumberland Heath, or I can provide tutoring sessions locally in the surrounding areas of Bexleyheath, Barnehurst, Belvedere, Erith, Crayford.

From September 2024, 1-2-1 sessions are from £55 and will be in a similar format to group tutoring in that in-between sessions, your child will receive support through recorded tutorials, games and activities for them to practise key skills. Your child will be provided with the help they need to succeed.

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07549 854686

19 Oakdene Avenue, Erith Kent DA8 1EJ